Sunday, March 31, 2013

Welcome :)

Hey ladies, I am incredibly happy that so many of you stated that you would be interested in joining a book club. Since we are all in different places it would be an online book club, but I truly believe this has potential to be great! God placed it in my heart and I plan on obeying.

 As some of you are aware, I am one of the founders of PLZ-SHINE (Phenomenal Ladies Shine) with a really good friend of mine, Taja Peterkin-Mclean. The book club will be linked to this group. You would be able to access the book club site and chat through PLZ SHINE or through the direct link. I will also post access from my personal blog "Zake's Zone". Since, we are limited to online only, it would also be helpful to create a twitter page or facebook page group. But, one step at a time :) For now, when you post thoughts on twitter related to what we are reading, just use the hashtag #the3beesbkclub that way we all can search and see what everyone is saying and connect to each other as well.

 I also added a chat to the site. Right now the limit is only 10 people in the chat room, depending on how many people want to join I may have to upgrade, but for now I believe it should be fine. We also don't have to be on there all at the same time (I think) So if we do have more than 10 people reading a particular book at a time, we could probably create groups, Team A, B and C (for example). Team A could have their chat discussions on Sunday let's say and the following Sunday could be Team B and so on. However, that is only if we have a large number of women wanting to read that particular book.

 The books will range in topics: relationships, christian living/spiritual growth, culture, history, biographies/autobiographies,educational etc. I want everyone to be involved and suggest books they come across, so please don't feel that myself, or PlZ SHINE have to be the ones suggesting :) We will read one book every 2-3 months. We all have busy lives and to make it affordable for us as well, I think every 2-3 months is reasonable. I also want us all reading at the same pace, so our discussions will be relevant to each other. For example, I will post a reminder saying "For the next few weeks we are reading chapters 1-3 in "name book here". If you forget, that information will also be available on the website or you can just ask me or anyone else that you know in the group. When you have book suggestions, let me know so it can be added to the agenda. I will post all the books there based on category that we are planning to read. That way, if you want to plan ahead and buy a book in advance (to get it cheaper or something (bid on ebay :) ) you can do so. 

 Few people have asked me if this is a "God thing" :) Yes, it is because he told me to do it and I believe in keeping him first in everything, so please be mindful of the types of books you suggest. However, I do understand that people have differing beliefs. This book club is open to anybody, who wants to learn, grow, meet new people, and develop a relationship with God. However, you are not obligated to participate in every book discussion or read every book we read. I encourage you to do so, but if you don't want to, that's fine. If/when you change your mind you can jump in whenever.

 Lastly, after completing a book, send an email (if you want to) with a brief reflection of how the book and experience has changed you or how it has NOT changed you, what you enjoyed overall and whether or not you would read it again or recommend it to someone else. I will post your reflection, with your name or you can indicate if you do not want your name posted, on the website.

Check the agenda for the upcoming books and the first book I want us to dive into, "He Speaks to me: preparing to Hear from God" by Priscilla Shirer. Also, send me the titles and authors of the books you suggest. I bought mine from a bookstore, but it is available online!I will post at a later date when we will have our first discussion/chat. For now, whenever you do get the book, stick to reading the first 3-4 chapters, including introduction. And for this book, don't forget to read along with your bibles. Send me ALL the suggested titles from you guys covering a RANGE of topics please. Thanks ladies!!